• Gaza War 2023
  • Quality
  • MiST
  • Knowledge
  • Nowhere to Run
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Account name
Mobile International Surgical Team

Bank Account
40-31-17 | 31511815

Provide acute medical relief in times of humanitarian crisis
Enable capacity building and improvement in the health care services in less economically developed countries.
Deliver evidence-based cost-effective quality health care to communities, irrespective of creed, race or background.
The Foundation achieves its aims by supporting knowledge exchange, training of medical and nursing personnel and performing life changing surgery.
A Word from Nepal
On the 25th of April, a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal.
Thousands of Nepalese have fled from their homes and hundreds of buildings have collapsed. The death toll is over 8,000 and rising.
First TSF in Palestine
Hgoug, is like any other 13-year old; loves playing football, flying kites and playing on the beaches along the Gaza Strip.
Hgoug is from Khan Younis, a town in the southern part of the Gaza Strip with mainly an agrarian population.
His father has olive trees and a field of vegetables which have been in the family generations.
West Bank
MiST Foundation surgeons have helped in teaching and training of surgeons at Al Najar Hospital in Nablus.
A Word from Pakistan
Following the 2005 South East Asian earthquake, the MiST Foundation sent teams to help in treating the acutely injured patients with limb fractures.
A Voice From Gaza Strip
Following the 2008/2009 attack on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli army,
MiST Foundation sent a number of teams to help treat the injured Gazans.